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Complete Census Count Key to Funding

2020 U.S. Census

The Long Beach Unified School District and the City of Long Beach are co-chairing a Census 2020 Complete Count Campaign.  By partnering with many other organizations throughout Long Beach, the campaign aims to achieve a complete count of every person in the city.

An accurate count is key to securing millions of dollars in funding for local schools, including Title I funds for disadvantaged populations, and resources to support Head Start, child care, the National School Lunch Program, and other vital health, housing and energy assistance services.

The census, which only occurs every ten years and is the most inclusive civic activity in the nation, is also integral to American democracy.  The count ensures equal representation and equal access to important governmental and private sector resources.  The Census drives more than $800 billion annually in federal assistance to states, localities and families.  Census results are used to allocate seats and draw district lines for the U.S. House of Representatives, state legislatures and local boards.

Schools will support the Census in a number of ways as the campaign launches in Spring 2020.  K-12 classroom materials will be provided by 菠菜网lol正规平台’s History/Social Studies Office to support using Census 2020 as a teaching opportunity.  Employees will be encouraged to take the Census themselves and ensure that their children are counted.  Front offices at schools will offer access to Census materials and a Chromebook that parents can use when the count begins.

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